Consolidated Safety Legislative Decree no. 81/2008
In Italy the health and safety at work are regulated by Legislative Decree no.81 of April 9, 2008 , also known as Consolidated Act on health and safety at work, entered into force May 15, 2008, and the related corrective measures, ie by Legislative Decree 3 August 2009 n . 106 and by subsequent further decrees.
It’s today the basic law for the prevention of occupational accidents.
Below you will always find the latest version.
Updated of September 24, 2015
TU 81-08 – Ed. Settembre 2015.pdf
News in this version:
- Correct the maximum amount of the fine art. 284 paragraph 1;
- Inserted the request from no.26 to no.28 of 31/12/2014, details of request n. 20/2014 of 31/12/2014, and request from no. 1 to n. 5 of 23 and 24/06/2015;
- Inserted the circular no. 34 of 23/12/2014, n. 35 of 24/12/2014, n. 3 of 13/02/2015, n. 5 of 03/03/2015 and no. 22 of 29/07/2015;
- Added ministerial decree no. 201 of 18 November 2014, laying down rules for the application, in the administration of justice, the provisions on safety and health of workers at work (notice published in the Official Gazette no. 15 of 20 January 2015);
- Abrogation of paragraph 5 of article. 3, in accordance with art. 55, paragraph 1, letter e) of Legislative Decree no. June 15, 2015, n. 81 (SO 34 of the Official Gazette 24/06/2015, No. 144, in force since 25/06/2015);
- Modification of Art. 88, paragraph 2, g-bis), pursuant to art. 16, paragraph 1, of the Law of 29 July 2015, n. 115 (Official Gazette 03/08/2015, no. 178, in force since 18/08/2015);
- Inserted the changes in articles. 3, 5, 6, 12, 14, 28, 29, 34, 53, 55, 69, 73-bis (new Article), 87, 98 and 190, introduced by Legislative Decree no. 14 September 2015, n. 151 on “Measures to streamline and simplify the procedures and obligations for citizens and enterprises and other provisions on employment and equal opportunities, in accordance with Law 10 December 2014, n.183” (Official Gazette no. 221, 23/09/2015 – Supplement no. 53, effective from 24/09/2015)