INAIL, qualification of the trainer for health and safety at work

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INAIL, qualification of the trainer for health and safety at work

Training in health and safety at work is, as is clear from the Italian Consolidated Security Decree 81/2008, a necessary tool to contribute to the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases. That’s why INAIL (talian National Insurance Institute Accidents at Work) thanks to research carried out in collaboration with the University of Bergamo, has published the book “qualification of the trainer for health and safety at work“.

Training means helping people to learn how to do something, telling people what they should or should not do, or simply giving them information. Training isn’t just about formal ‘classroom’ courses.

And in this context the trainer is the key figure, whose qualification becomes an essential requirement of the effectiveness of the training and the achievement of its objectives.

Who needs health and safety training?

You do! Whether you are an employer or self-employed, are you sure that you’re up to date with how to identify the hazards and control the risks from your work? Do you know how to get help – from your trade association, your local Chamber of Commerce, or your health and safety enforcing authority?

Your managers and supervisors do! If you employ managers or supervisors they need to know what you expect from them in terms of health and safety, and how you expect them to deliver.

Your employees do! Everyone who works for you, including self-employed people, needs to know how to work safely and without risks to health.

Areas of competence of the trainer

Each teacher / trainer will have to prove that he has the criteria set by the inter-ministerial decree 03/06/2013 for one or more of the following subject areas:

  • social and communicative area
  • technical area
  • methodological area

The maintenance of the trainer requirements for safety in time requires that every three years:

  1. He must attend for at least 24 hours in total in the thematic area of expertise, seminars, specialized conferences, courses;
  2. alternatively, he carries out a minimum of 24 hours of teaching activities in the subject area of competence.

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